
Line freezing treatments and Dermal Fillers

Line freezing treatments and Dermal Fillers

Line freezing treatment is a long-established system that is used to create a temporary freezing effect within the muscles. It can correct drooping eyebrows, prominent jawlines and freshen the face without looking obvious. It can also alleviate excessive sweating in the hands, which can be an embarrassing complaint.

There are several fillers on the market, but Dermalase Clinic only uses FDA-approved products so you are reassured of quality and efficacy. Dermal fillers contain products that work in harmony with the skin cells (bio-compatible). The effects can be staggering without looking artificial and will last anywhere from 4 -12 months. Fillers can be used to give the face a lift, eradicate smoking lines, and accentuate the cheeks. When used on the hands, the result is fresher, with more volume, youthful-looking hands.


What happens during the treatment?

Our mission at Dermalase is to make the patient as comfortable as possible. The skin is numbed with either ice or a topical anesthetic cream or for fillers in the lips, a dental block is usually given. The face is closely examined by the practitioner, who will measure and accurately mark out where the product will be injected. The patient will be kept informed throughout the treatment as to what is happening. It is very important to us that our patients do not feel nervous or unsure about their procedure.


How does the treatment feel?

As we pay a lot of attention to anaesthetizing the area, discomfort is, for the most part, minimal. Certain areas of the face are more sensitive such as the corner of the mouth. However, most people are surprised by how comfortable the treatment is. Ice is always applied after treatment to reduce swelling and redness in the area. The effects of fillers are instant. However, Botulinum toxin type A can take up to two weeks for the full effects to be seen. Patients may feel a slight sting as Botulinum toxin type A is injected and can feel pressure when a filler is being used. At all times, we communicate with our patients to ensure their well-being.


How many treatments will I need?

Usually, one treatment is ample. However, at Dermalase, we like to review our patients two weeks later to see if any further treatment is required.

At this stage, the skin will have settled and the product took effect.

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